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 1. Nana April Jun  Semantic Shift  The Ontology Of Noise 
 2. The Semantic Web Gang  June 2008: The Semantic Web Gang discuss Semantic Web Conferences aimed at business people  The Semantic Web Gang 
 3. The Semantic Web Gang, Brad Burnham, Chris Morrison and Erick Schonfeld  The Semantic Web Gang discusses investment opportunities in semantic technology  The Semantic Web Gang 
 4. Greg Boutin, Mills Davis, Tom Heath, Alex Iskold, Daniel Lewis, Paul Miller, Thomas Tague  Semantic Web Gang discuss Semantic Web readiness for mainstream adoption  Semantic Web Gang 
 5. The Semantic Web Gang  The Semantic Web Gang and Guests discuss visualizing the Semantic Web  The Semantic Web Gang 
 6. Greg Boutin, Mills Davis, Leigh Dodds, Alex Iskold, Peter Mika, Paul Miller, Tony Shaw  Semantic Web Gang - LIVE at the Semantic Technology Conference  The Semantic Web Gang 
 7. Yury Lifshits  Semantic Search  A Guide to Web Research 
 8. David Burden  Datascapes and Semantic VWs  ReLaM 
 9. Computerworld/Ian Lamont  Computerworld TechCast: Semantic Web   
 10. helmeticrononaut  entalngled semantic hellfire  helmeticronicles part 2 
 11. Jeremy Adler  Semantic Sonatinas (1976)  Lautpoesie. Eine Anthologie 
 12. Greg Boutin, Mills Davis, Benjamin Nowack, Tom Tague, Paul Miller  The Semantic Web Gang - February 2009  The Semantic Web Gang 
 13. The Semantic Gang  Semantic Gang August 2008  Talking with Talis 
 14. Ivan Herman and Paul Miller  Ivan Herman talks about W3C and the Semantic Web  Talking with Talis 
 15. Wendy Hall and Paul Miller  Wendy Hall talks about Web Science and the Semantic Web  Talking with Talis 
 16. Jeff Pollock and Paul Miller  Jeff Pollock talks about The Semantic Web for Dummies  Talking with Talis 
 17. Tom Heath and Paul Miller  Tom Heath Talks with Talis about Revyu.com and the Semantic Web  Talking with Talis 
 18. Tom Ilube and Paul Miller  Tom Ilube Talks with Talis about Garlik and the Semantic Web  Talking with Talis 
 19. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 3/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 20. Eric Miller and Paul Miller  Eric Miller talks with Talis about the Semantic Web and Zepheira  Talking with Talis 
 21. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 1/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 22. Mills Davis and Paul Miller  Mills Davis Talks with Talis about the Semantic Wave  Talking with Talis 
 23. Greg Boutin, Tom Heath, Alex Iskold and Paul Miller  The Semantic Web Gang discusses Glue, and looks back on 2008  The Semantic Web Gang 
 24. Stephanie Lemieux and Paul Miller  Stephanie Lemieux talks about ontology, folksonomy and the Semantic Web  Talking with Talis 
 25. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 2/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 26. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 4/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 27. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 1/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 28. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 4/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 29. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 2/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
 30. Hamida Demirdache  On the acquisition of questions: issues at the syntax-semantic interface 3/4  Diffusion des savoirs de l'Ecole normale supŽrieure - Paris 
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